Becky Webb

Executive Coach

Challenge, Support, Co-Create

Becky Webb

Executive Coach

Challenge, Support, Co-Create

I am  passionate about integrity in leadership and helping leaders be who they want to be. My fascination with behaviour, our actions and impact on others, combined with my pragmatic international experience across a range of diverse industries in big companies and small, has taken my career to a point where I am working with some of the most brilliant founders, leaders and decent people I have ever met.

My clients are people who want a safe and confidential space

A space for intuition and logic to interact. They are people who make time for internal reflection.  Following our coaching sessions and the insights gained, clients find they can make more informed choices about dilemmas or decisions and they are ultimately able focus on behaviours that lead to both personal and professional growth.

How do I work?

A Coaching Partnership Focused on Growth

I work as a thinking partner to executives, leaders, and founders, helping you take risks, grow, and achieve your goals. I offer a supportive environment focused on your objectives, without ‘cosy coaching’.

Unlocking Your Potential

Coaching often delves into values, beliefs, and self-limitations. I use a blended approach to identify what’s holding you back and help unblock your next move or idea.

The Power of Chemistry

Building a strong coaching relationship is essential. I prioritise mutual trust and respect to create the best environment for growth. I only work with clients where this vital connection exists.

What do I do?

Coaching for

Unlock your organisation's full leadership potential with coaching designed to sharpen your leaders' vision, aligning decisions, and fostering bold, innovative thinking.

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Coaching for

Gain clarity, align your actions with core values, and break through self sabotaging behaviours with coaching tailored to support you through life's toughest challenges and transitions.

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Leadership Development Workshops

Bespoke workshops tailored to your organisation's specific leadership development needs delivering enhanced performance.

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Kind words from fabulous people

Want to know more?

To talk about how we can work together, please contact me at: